To Save America, We Must Abolish the United States




Let's Make America
A Theocracy
Once Again

"America was NEVER a Theocracy!"

"You mean like the Taliban?"

Are you advocating the VIOLENT OVERTHROW of the government?

Oh yes it was. The literal meaning of "theocracy" is "God Rules," and a nation where God Rules is a nation "under God." Each of the 13 colonies were Christian Theocracies. No, we mean "Liberty Under God," not "Tyranny under priests." Biblical Theocracy is source of liberty in Western Civilization. Absolutely not. Christianity is against violence, and the Bible commands us to submit to imperialists, fascists, Nazis, communists, Republicrats, and Demoblicans. Violent revolution against the Empire is never justified. Even America's War for Independence was not Biblically justified.

In 1892 the United States Supreme Court emphatically declared that America was "a Christian nation." If you read the Court's opinion, you will gain a nearly-complete education in the Christian history of America. You will agree that America was once a Christian Theocracy, and if you hear the heart of Justice David Brewer (who wrote the opinion for a unanimous Court), you'll know that if he and America's Founding Fathers could see America in 2011, they would begin immediately working to make America a Theocracy again. Here's where to get started:

The Supreme Court's Christian History of America (1892)

Liberty Under God
is what made America the greatest nation in human history.

But what does Liberty Under God ” really mean?

Does "Liberty" mean anarchyDoes "Under God " mean Theocracy?

If not, why not?

Continuing Education
Doctors, Lawyers, and other highly-trained professionals are required to take “continuing education” classes each year to remain highly-trained and up-to-date on the latest advances in their field. Failure to do so can result in injury to patients, imprisonment for the innocent, and malpractice lawsuits. In extreme cases, doctors and lawyers who fail to stay abreast of developments in their field can lose their license to practice.

At the risk of sounding conceited and judgmental, I believe most Americans are guilty of "citizenship malpractice." They’re suspicious of those who "criticize the government," even though Thomas Jefferson said,

In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.

Most Americans haven’t read the Constitution in years, are ignorant of its most basic principles and are not keeping informed of how today’s politicians are violating those principles. They have lost their edge, and millions of people around the world are in danger. If these citizens don’t take some continuing education classes in Americanism, they should lose their citizenship.

What you are about to read is a “continuing education class” in Americanism. You need it to be a good citizen and to be a good influence on your rapidly-changing nation.
The American Dream
The prophet Micah
described a world of "Liberty Under God" -- a day when swords are beaten into plowshares, and everyone -- from richest to poorest -- owns their own property safely and securely, enjoying life under their Vine & Fig Tree. This ideal has been called "The American Dream," and the words of the Prophet Micah were frequently on the lips of America's Founding Fathers. Immigrants with only a dime in their pocket came to America and found their Vine & Fig Tree in a land of "Liberty Under God." America became the most admired nation in the world because of its decentralized material prosperity and its Christian goodness.

Although the U.S. Supreme Court frequently acknowledged that America was a Christian nation, there were a few Americans who were not Christians. But they were not imprisoned or tortured for their non-Christian opinions. Noah Webster said, "The ecclesiastical establishments of Europe which serve to support tyrannical governments are not the Christian religion but abuses and corruptions of it." Daniel Webster similarly explained: "Christianity to which the sword and the fagot [burning stake or hot branding iron] are unknown -- general tolerant Christianity is the law of the land!"

"Liberty" meant freedom to try, freedom to fail, freedom to try again, freedom to succeed, freedom to enjoy success. "Under God" meant honoring "The Laws of Nature and of Nature's God" in your pursuit of happiness.

"The American Dream" was not the prospect of having "the government" take care of you from womb to tomb. It was the prospect of being free to try new ideas, give it your all, provide goods and services that benefit your neighbors, and enjoy the highest standard of living in the history of the world.

But -- surprisingly -- most Americans today
actually OPPOSE "Liberty Under God."


"Under God"

Too many Americans are afraid of "Liberty."

Too many Americans are afraid of God.

They think that if there's too much liberty,
society will fall into chaos and lawlessness.
But that's why we must be a nation "under God."

They think that "under God" means an army of clerical police telling you that you can't drink, smoke, eat a cheeseburger or drive an SUV.
But that's why we must defend "liberty."

Some people say they want a nation "under God," but they think liberty is for "anarchists," and they want lots of laws enforced by lots of police and lots of prisons. Some people say they want "liberty," but they want to be their own god; they want a secular nation, not one that reminds them of their duties to the God of our Founding Fathers.
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals is threatened by schoolchildren saying the words "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance, and banned those words from government schools, to the great consternation of the "Religious Right." But the Religious Right favors abridging our liberty if Washington D.C. says it's necessary in order to achieve "security" through a "War on [some] Terrorism" or a "War on [some] Drugs."

What is the Opposite of Liberty Under God?


Under Man

America's Founding Fathers considered the British Government a "tyranny." Secularism has unleashed tyranny on scale the Founders could not even have imagined.

Fighting for a Vine & Fig Tree society, Christian America  resisted a 3-5% tax rate. Secular America is willing to pay ten times as much in taxes to keep God out of the public square.

These tyrannical taxes are used to prop up anti-Christian dictatorships like the Soviet Union and Saddam Hussein. These governments have murdered hundreds of millions of people, but we don't care as long as we're not reminded in schools and other public places that God says "Thou shalt not commit adultery."

Modern Secular Man considers the Christian world of America's past to be "oppressive," "hung-up," "intolerant." In 1965 the Oscar™ for Best Picture went to "The Sound of Music," a family musical about freedom from the Nazis. In 1966 Hollywood's old Production Code that had placed strict limits on harsh language, graphic sex and excessive violence in motion pictures was scrapped, and by 1969, the Best Picture award went to "Midnight Cowboy," an X-rated movie about a homeless Texan who becomes a slave to homosexual prostitution. One reviewer spoke of the movie as a "travelogue-type journey into the heart of the urban darkness modern man has created for himself, in all its native hues of gray, brown and the depressing, dirty shades of poverty, desperation, and squalor."
Each of the Bill of Rights, with its long history of liberty under English Common Law, has been negated by the now-secular State. Each year, half of our labor is taken by the government, and the rest of our year is totally regulated by bureaucrats and lawyers. "Every move you make | Every step you take | I'll be watching you." Modern Man considers gray poverty and sexual slavery to be preferable to "Liberty Under God" and a Vine & Fig Tree society. In poverty and anonymous homosexuality, at least man is his own god. But these would-be gods always cry out to Big Brother to bring paradise. Those who will not acknowledge the Messiah as their King live under the boot of the messianic state.
18 When that day comes, you will cry out for relief from the king you have chosen, and the LORD will not answer you in that day."
19 But the people refused to listen to Samuel. "No!" they said. "We want a king over us."
1 Samuel 8 || Thomas Paine on 1 Samuel 8
Even living in the grip of what every single person who signed the Constitution would call "tyranny," modern man does not cry out to God. He would rather live under autonomy than Theonomy.

"All they that hate Me love death" — Proverbs 8:36

But always — do not forget this, Winston — always there will be the intoxication of power,
constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler.
If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever.
George Orwell, 1984

This website attempts to show that America was originally intended to be a nation "Under God." An attempt to show the implications of the American doctrine of "Liberty" is made on our sister website, Taken together, these websites advocate an end to traditional theories of government.

"Liberty Under God" cannot exist under traditional forms of government, such as

a monarchy
an aristocracy
a democracy,
a republic

or any other similar form of government. These forms of government are all contaminated by The Big Lie, and inevitably degenerate into "Tyranny under Man." "Liberty Under God" can only exist in a society which might be labeled an "Anarcho-Theocracy." Please do not neglect that link. It's not a marketable name at present, but history, logic, and law - especially the Law of God - show "Anarcho-Theocracy" to be the only alternative, and the only foundation for "Liberty Under God."

America's Founding Fathers did not have a clear and consistent vision for America. But if we listen closely to their yearnings, we see the outlines of a Libertarian Theocracy. A land of Liberty Under God.

This is not a website you can understand during a commercial break on "Desperate Housewives" or "Hannity and Colmes." We are in the process of setting up an autoresponder email course which will take you through the entire argument of this website in a year, in a 5-minute daily summary of the over 300 links below. Just reading the summaries will whet your appetite. Taking an additional 15 minutes or more to read the original sources in each link will revolutionize your thinking about America, her history, her future, and your responsibilities as a Christian. To receive an announcement about the course, pop your name and email address in the boxes below, and you'll receive information on this "e-course" as soon as it is available.


Not a single person who signed the U.S. Constitution intended to create a secular nation. From the beginning, America was a Christian nation, and the Founding Fathers did not intend to change this. Every single Signer of the Constitution believed the following:

  1. Christianity was the true religion, others were "false religions."
  2. Forming a civil government was a religious duty imposed by the God of the Bible, and hence all governments must be "under God."
  3. The God of the Bible answered the prayers of the colonists by directly and supernaturally intervening in human history, aiding their revolution against the British Empire to ensure American victory. Not a single "deist" ("clockmaker god") signed the Constitution.
  4. It is the duty of all governments to endorse and promote the true religion, and make sure the statutes they pass conform to the Bible.

Below are links to webpages with primary source evidence that the modern notion of "separation of church and state" is a myth. That slogan has nothing to do with churches, and really means "the separation of God and state." Our goal is to persuade you that America was intended to be a Christian nation. Imagine the following spectrum:

Atheistic Nation "Neutral" nation Christian Nation Christian Theocracy
Communist China Sweden America, 1844 America, 1641

The links on this page should convince you that America was not only designed to be a Christian nation, but that America was intended to be a Christian Theocracy. Our sister website,, explains why the United States as a "nation" should be abolished and replaced with America as a Christian Theocracy.

"Theocracy" literally means "ruled by God." It has nothing to do with priests. America was supposed to be a nation "under God." If America is under God, then God is over America. That's the literal meaning of "theocracy."

All the evidence is against the idea of America as an atheistic nation. All the evidence points to theocracy. And when it comes to a nation's allegiance to God, none of the Signers of the Constitution believed that "neutrality" was an option. If you read all the evidence linked from this page, you will at least end up agreeing with "Christian nation," and will probably admit that America was intended to be a Theocracy.

The mainstream media use "theocracy" as a scare word. They want you to think of Osama bin Laden instead of Jesus Christ. They want you to think of "tyranny under god" rather than Liberty Under God. Many writers who deny America's Christian history attempt to confuse you with caricatures of intolerant right-wing religious tyrants. Among them:

  Neutralize the word here.

Ancient History

The Founding Fathers were keen students of ancient history. They knew that religion had always been considered of great utility by ancient governments. There has never been a separation of religion and state in the history of man. The Founders did not intend to change this.

The Reformation: Rebirth of Theocracy

The Protestant Reformation was a key influence in the American Revolution. 
First, because the revolt against Roman Catholicism was a source of American anti-clericalism. Today's European Protestant churches are unreformed Roman churches. "New Presbyter is but Old Priest, writ large" (Milton). Most of the Founders' remarks used by atheists in our day to support the separation of religion and state were actually anti-clerical remarks designed to separate churches and state, and reduce competition between clergy. This philosophy leads to the House-Church movement, where religion becomes more pervasive in the life of the believer, not to a secular state, where religion becomes more peripheral.  
Second, because the Calvinistic emphasis on the Sovereignty of God was a direct challenge to "statism," the deity of the sovereign state. The Revolutionary War was a Calvinist Revolution.

It is important not to confuse anti-clericalism with secularism. The author of this web page, a fanatic Christian Theocrat, has not been a church-member for 15 years.

The pages linked below discuss Early American history in the context of Theocracy (a nation "under God") and Anarchism (a People with a divine wall protecting them from incursions on their rights by archists in church and state). There is no compelling evidence that the Founding Fathers intended to separate God and government.  

America: Theocracy in the New World

Modern secularists have problems understanding the American relationship between religion and government because they do not understand that the Founders believed that

  1. Christianity was the true religion, others were "false religions." It would be suicidal to base a commonwealth on a false religion.
  2. Forming a civil government was a religious duty imposed by the God of the Bible, and hence all governments must be "under God."
  3. The God of the Bible answered the prayers of the colonists by directly and supernaturally intervening in human history, aiding their revolution against the British Empire to ensure American victory. Not a single "deist" ("clockmaker god") signed the Constitution.
  4. It is the duty of all governments to endorse and promote the true religion, and make sure the statutes they pass conform to the Bible.

Every single person who signed the Constitution agreed with these four premises, and they agreed that the true religion was Christianity. It doesn't matter that they didn't agree among themselves as to the details of the Christian religion. It doesn't matter that they made sure that one variety of Christianity would have no legal power over other varieties of Christianity. What matters is that not a single signer of the Constitution believed in the "separation of church and state" where the word "church" means "Christianity, the true religion." Not a single person who signed the Constitution believed the Constitution created a secular state.

The pages below are designed to explain these propositions and to show that they were universally held by the Founding Fathers.

"Vine & Fig Tree" in American History -- Homepage

American Law

Theocracy Defended by the U.S. Supreme Court

Famous American Theocrats

"The Separation of Church and State"

Theocratic Education

The Myth of Secular Governments

A Nation Under Which God?

On March 6, 1799, President John Adams issued an official Presidential Proclamation urging (but not compelling) Americans to join "as a society" in "a day of solemn humiliation, fasting, and prayer," to

  • call to mind our numerous offenses against the Most High God, confess them before Him with the sincerest penitence,
  • implore His pardoning mercy, through the Great Mediator and Redeemer, for our past transgressions,
  • and that through the grace of His Holy Spirit we may be disposed and enabled to yield a more suitable obedience to His righteous requisitions in time to come;

President Adams wanted this prayer to be declared officially and observed publicly, "giving to it the character of a national act." America, a nation "under God," was not under just any god, but the God of the Bible. [more]

Here is where more detailed study begins:


"Under God"

The Big Lie (32)

A Nation "Under God" (10)

Vine & Fig Tree: A World Without "The State" (169)

"Theo+cracy" means "Under God" (28)

95 Theses Against the State (123)

America: The History of a Theocracy (147)

The 6 pages above contain links to over 300 more pages which should help convince you of the value of "Liberty Under God" and the feasibility of attaining it before the 22nd century (just one lifetime away).

Happy Reading!

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